John Fawcett

Posts by John Fawcett for Resources

A Brief Collapse of Time

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We are in lockdown. What day is it? One of the most common comments on social media is the old joke about yesterday, today, tomorrow, everyday.

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50 Dead - Resilience Reflection #3 - Social Cohesion

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We know that relationships are both protective and growth-promoting.

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50 Dead - Resilience Reflection #2 - Leadership

Dead leaves and beauty

  Leadership and resilience are interconnected. This isn’t a new finding, of course. But rarely do we experience examples of how leadership supports, mediates and builds leadership.

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50 Dead - Resilience Reflection #1 - Anger


I am a professional humanitarian worker. I am expert in resilience and coping. I have years of experience in extremely complex and distressing humanitarian contexts.

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Is it possible for a species to lose hope?

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A recent letter to the Guardian Weekly (03. 08.

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Organisational Toxicity - A loss of Moral Character?

Boot blown up

The discussion on Organisational Toxicity was, apparently, interesting to a number of people. Which is, perhaps, an indication as to how concerned we are about the issue.

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Do 'Stories' Enhance Resilience?


Stories are fascinating and the story of stories is even more so. Stories have been a core component of human culture since human culture became recognisable.

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Through the Eyes of an American Teacher

Kabul serenity

Last week I was granted the rare privilege of learning a little about what it means to be a classroom teacher in America today.

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Organisational Toxicity - an issue of Justice

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The capacity to thrive is directly connected to environment. In fact thriving is dependent on context.

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Culture and Resilience - the place of the Gun


An American friend of mine said to me the other day that he did not want to send his children to high school in America because of the culture of…

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