In this section I post ideas, articles, books, movies or music that I have found and relate in some aspect to resilience. There is a loose categorisation process, but rather than create an infinite number of categories there will be overlap. If you have suggestions of resources for this section please email me, including enough information for me to locate original sources.

Meaning and Purpose

Organisational Toxicity - A loss of Moral Character?

The discussion on Organisational Toxicity was, apparently, interesting to a number of people. Which is, perhaps, an indication as to how concerned we are about the issue.

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Meaning and Purpose

Do 'Stories' Enhance Resilience?

Stories are fascinating and the story of stories is even more so. Stories have been a core component of human culture since human culture became recognisable.

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Organisational Toxicity - an issue of Justice

The capacity to thrive is directly connected to environment. In fact thriving is dependent on context.

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What can ecosystem studies teach us about resilience?

The term ‘resilience’ is applied so widely across a multitudes of disciplines that it faces its own extinction.

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