In this section I post ideas, articles, books, movies or music that I have found and relate in some aspect to resilience. There is a loose categorisation process, but rather than create an infinite number of categories there will be overlap. If you have suggestions of resources for this section please email me, including enough information for me to locate original sources.

Meaning and Purpose

50 Dead - Resilience Reflection #1 - Anger

I am a professional humanitarian worker. I am expert in resilience and coping. I have years of experience in extremely complex and distressing humanitarian contexts.

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Meaning and Purpose

Do 'Stories' Enhance Resilience?

Stories are fascinating and the story of stories is even more so. Stories have been a core component of human culture since human culture became recognisable.

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Humanitarian Emergency

Through the Eyes of an American Teacher

Last week I was granted the rare privilege of learning a little about what it means to be a classroom teacher in America today.

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Organisational Toxicity - an issue of Justice

The capacity to thrive is directly connected to environment. In fact thriving is dependent on context.

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Culture and Resilience - the place of the Gun

An American friend of mine said to me the other day that he did not want to send his children to high school in America because of the culture of…

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Meaning and Purpose

Check out the new kid on the block - Thrive Worldwide

Someone wise once said that the cycle of life means things have to die to be reborn.

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Meaning and Purpose

Photos of Resilience

I’ve talked of resilience as a process, as a consequence, as an outcome. I believe resilience is not merely coping, but much more than coping, it is thriving.

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Two+ Minutes Resilience

"Two+ Minutes Resilience", with Cynthia Eriksson

This 2+ Minutes episode features Dr Cynthia Eriksson, Associate Professor of Psychology at Fuller Seminary, California.

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Resilient Organisations - what exactly are they?

Most of us work or play inside organisations. Some of these organisations inspire us to greater things, others stifle and even destroy us.

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What can ecosystem studies teach us about resilience?

The term ‘resilience’ is applied so widely across a multitudes of disciplines that it faces its own extinction.

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