John Fawcett

Posts by John Fawcett for The Resilience Interview

The Resilience Interview with Honey Muir

Honey Muir is an experienced Project Manager, Educator and Cross Cultural Leader.

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The Resilience Interview with Jeff Godbout

"There is an internal resilience but also an external resilience. The way we express our internal resilience impacts those around us.

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The Resilience Interview with Cynthia Eriksson

"I've come to realise that concepts of resilience are strongly culturally influenced" - Professor Cynthia Eriksson Cynthia Eriksson is Associate Professor of Psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary, Graduate School of Psychology,…

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The Resilience Interview with Sam Farmer

"Resilience is not just the ability to bounce back, but to sustain that bounce-back over time. . .

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The Resilience Interview with Lisa McKay

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Lisa McKay is a psychologist, writer, and founder of the long distance relationship website Modern Love Long Distance. She specialises in teaching humanitarian workers about resilience, stress, and trauma.

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The Resilience Interview with Graham Fawcett

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"The concept of resilience has become so overused we've lost the plot on what it means.

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The Resilience Interview with Carole Adamson

"One of the most interesting things about resilience is how people try to define it. My definition is contextual, relational and, therefore, fluid.

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An In-depth overview of the Resilience Check-In

This slightly longer video looks at the reasons behind the Resilience Check-In and the Resilience Channel.

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The Resilience Interview with Joan Johnson

"I see resilience as the flip side of distress. Resilience is that perception that available resources exceed demand.

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The Resilience Interview with John Ehrenreich

" Resilience is funny term. In common usage it has a very positive ring. But over the course of the years I have become more sceptical.

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