The Resilience Check In© exists to enhance the natural human ability to thrive when faced with complexity, change, threat and opportunity.

Your one-on-one consultation with John will focus on identifying your Resilience Profile and guide you as you enhance your thriving skills, and assist you to develop your coping abilities to meet all the challenges of life.

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Resilience Check-in
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John Fawcett
Welcome to the Resilience Check-In


Meaning and Purpose

A Brief Collapse of Time

We are in lockdown. What day is it? One of the most common comments on social media is the old joke about yesterday, today, tomorrow, everyday.

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50 Dead - Resilience Reflection #3 - Social Cohesion

We know that relationships are both protective and growth-promoting.

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50 Dead - Resilience Reflection #2 - Leadership

  Leadership and resilience are interconnected. This isn’t a new finding, of course. But rarely do we experience examples of how leadership supports, mediates and builds leadership.

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